Positive affirmations have become synonymous with pseudo-science. Often times associated with the “law of attraction” popularized by Oprah and other celebrities, affirmations are rooted in the law of manifestation. Manifestation, in a scientific sense, refers to when a theory or abstract concept becomes a very real, material thing that is tangible, graspable, and observable. Think global warming and climate change, the recently first -documented black hole in space, etc.
Science, yes. Psuedo, no.
The practice of positive affirmations also sits on well-established, widely-accepted psychological theory, with neuroscientific research to back it. There is actually MRI evidence suggesting that certain neural pathways are increased when people practice self-affirmation tasks daily.
When one thinks positively about themselves and their actions, these become manifest in daily life, e.g. the short term, or in terms of long-term goals. In other words, the things you say matter. Whether it’s starting your own business, earning your college degree, or getting married, you announce to the world your intentions and, hopefully, work towards achieving those goals every single day.
“Think it. Say It. Be it.”
Mix that with chakral alignment practice dating back to ancient Hinduism, often used in mystic mind, body, and spirit work such as yoga, and you have the recipe for powerful transformation in your life. The chakras, of course, refer to the seven energy centers of the body.
- Root (bottom of spine)
- Sacral (genitals)
- Solar plexus (stomach)
- Heart (heart)
- Throat (throat)
- Third Eye (forehead)
- Crown (top of head)
Thus, CE presents a special monthly series, Tools For Living, which brings seven affirmations, for seven chakras, said over seven days. Hopefully, our readers will be able to use these to reflect upon which of their chakras are out of alignment, which are not spinning altogether, which are overactive, etc. That way, one can seek alignment and attract more abundance into their life.
Root Chakra (Sanskrit: Muladhara)
The root chakra represents our foundation. On the human body, it sits at the base of the spine and gives us the feeling of being grounded. When the root chakra is open, we feel confident in our ability to withstand challenges and stand on our own two feet. When it’s blocked, we feel threatened, as if we’re standing on unstable ground.
Say to yourself: I remain grounded through whatever this year may bring my way.
Lesson: One thing 2020 taught us is that everything can change at any given moment. There are going to be periods of immense pain and grief, just like there are going to be times filled with peace and prosperity. It’s never all one or another. Life is about finding balance and riding those waves. Know that things are ultimately happening for a reason, even if that reason is just to teach you a lesson. Remain grounded through it all. Create a safe space within yourself that you can return to during times of uncertainty.
Sacral Chakra (Sanskrit: Swadhisthana)
The sacral chakra helps inform how we relate to our emotions and the emotions of others. It also governs creativity and sexual energy. Those with a blocked sacral chakra could feel a lack of control in their lives.
Say to yourself: I allow myself to fully feel all of my emotions and honor where I’m at.
Lesson: Emotions are meant to be felt. You can’t truly heal until you truly feel. Just be careful not to attach yourself to or identify with those fleeting feelings. We are going through a period of time unlike any other. Nobody really knows what to think or how to feel. Remember that your journey is unique to you. Don’t compare yourself to others. Feel how you feel. You can’t always control all of your thoughts and emotions but you can control how you react to or act on them.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Sanskrit: Manipura)
The third chakra, the solar plexus chakra, speaks to your ability to be confident and in control of your life. Think back to the last time you had butterflies or felt a pit in the stomach: That’s the Manipura chakra at work. If your solar plexus chakra is blocked, you might feel overwhelming amounts of shame and self-doubt. When this chakra is open, you are free of self-doubt and outside judgment and replace those with clarity of purpose.
Say to yourself: I am proud of myself for making it this far. I am confident in my abilities to carry myself through this upcoming year.
Lesson: Right where you are is exactly where you need to be, even if it doesn’t necessarily feel like it. You have gone through so much to get here. This might not be your desired destination, but it is a part of your journey. Honor where you’re at. Don’t get so caught up in where you think you need to be.
Heart Chakra (Sanskrit: Anahata)
The heart chakra is the bridge between the lower chakras (associated with materiality) and the upper chakras (associated with spirituality). As the name suggests, this chakra can influence our ability to give and receive love—from others and ourselves. Someone with a blocked heart chakra will have difficulty fully opening up to the people in their life. If someone’s heart is open, they can experience deep compassion and empathy.
Say to yourself: I open my heart to the most powerful force in the universe – love.
Lesson: When you surrender to the present moment, you move through fear to love. Open your heart up to unconditional love. Choosing to live in a state of love rather than remaining in a subconscious state acting out of fear actively raises your vibration. Try closing your eyes and visualizing a bright white light filling up your heart center. Sit with it for a second and watch your world start to change. You can practice this any place at any time.
Throat Chakra (Sanskrit: Vishuddha)
The throat chakragives voice to the heart chakra and controls our ability to communicate our personal power. When it’s functioning at full capacity, it allows us to express ourselves truly and clearly. Someone with a blocked throat chakra will feel like they have trouble finding the words to say how they truly feel.
Say to yourself: I know that this year won’t be all “good” or “bad.” I am grateful for it all. I speak honestly and authentically.
Lesson: Although you can’t always control exactly what happens to you, you can control how you react to it. You’re allowed to feel how you truly feel but try to look at it from a different perspective. Take a step back. There’s always something to learn in every situation we are in. That within itself is something to be grateful for.
Third-Eye Chakra (Sanskrit: Ajna)
As we move up the body, we’re getting closer to communion with the divine. The third-eye chakra controls our ability to see the big picture and connect to intuition. Think of it as the eye of the soul: It registers information beyond the surface level. Visions and intuitive hits are not uncommon for someone with an open third-eye chakra.
Say to yourself: I am effortlessly moving through the ebb and flow of life. I see things for how they really are. I grow through what I go through.
Lesson: Once you are able to see through the illusions, it will feel like you are seeing life for the first time. Ram Dass often talked about how there is no such thing as miracles or accidents. The ego is what identifies things. It’s the vantage point that we’re all so often stuck in. When you release these attachments, you can see clearly.
Crown Chakra (Sanskrit: Sahasrara)
The crown chakra, the highest chakra, sits at the crown of the head and represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. When you fully open your crown chakra — something very few people ever do — you’re able to access a higher consciousness.
Say to yourself: I have full faith in myself and the universe. I am divinely connected to everything around me. I sit in loving awareness.
Lesson: The conversations you have with yourself are conversations with the universe. Speak kindly and confidently. Trust yourself. Everything you’re looking for is already within you. Rise above. Transcend the ego. Live in a state of loving awareness.
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Lover of all things living and bass that makes ya vibrate.